Our international trainee programme



作为欧洲领先的可再生能源生产商,十大靠谱网赌在能源转型中发挥着积极作用. 您准备好通过十大靠谱网赌的国际培训生计划开启您的绿色职业生涯了吗? We promise, here with us, you’ll help power a 光明的未来.


Update 25 September 2024:
The application phase for our trainee positions has now ended.

Become what you believe in

你有没有想过在Statkraft当实习生是什么感觉? 十大靠谱网赌问了一些学员他们最喜欢这个项目的什么, 是什么让他们与众不同,他们是如何影响他们周围的世界的.

Man listening to a team conversation

About the programme


As a trainee you will learn about our organization, 不同的业务领域和十大靠谱网赌的战略——成为气候解决方案的一部分. 学员是十大靠谱网赌公司文化的重要组成部分,十大靠谱网赌认为这个项目既是一个机会,为年轻人提供令人兴奋和相关的职业,也是对十大靠谱网赌自己思维方式的挑战. 所有这些都是通过听取应对气候最大挑战的新想法和新方法来实现的. 

Our trainee positions include the following: 

  • A 16-month programme including three rotations.
  • 有机会在整个组织中体验不同的角色和位置.
  • 三个轮换位置中的一个将在另一个Statkraft位置.
  • Competitive salaries and benefits.
  • Tailored professional and social programmes for all trainees.
  • 在完成课程后保证永久就业.
Man listening to conversation

What's in it for me? 

Accelerated Learning

十大靠谱网赌的课程是一个涡轮增压的启动平台,为您的专业发展. Through hands-on projects, you will rapidly build a versatile skill set, sharpening your problem solving, 沟通, and leadership abilities. Every rotation presents new challenges and growth.

Unparalleled Exposure

一头扎进一个动态的环境中,你将体验到Statkraft的多个方面. Each rotation will immerse you in diverse departments, 确保全面了解十大靠谱网赌的业务:获得宝贵的见解,塑造你未来的职业生涯.

Network Expansion

你的旅程不仅仅是获取知识,而是建立有意义的联系. 与具有独特观点和经验的不同毕业生群体合作. Forge friendships, create lasting professional relationships, 并建立一个强大的网络,这将推动你未来的成功.

Flexibility and Choice

We understand that your career aspirations may evolve. 这就是为什么十大靠谱网赌提供灵活性和自由来探索十大靠谱网赌组织的不同领域. 发现你真正的激情所在,并规划一条与你的抱负相一致的道路. 权力掌握在你的手中,无论你选择哪个方向,十大靠谱网赌都会支持你的成长.

People taking notes

16个月. 3 different rotational experiences. 1 amazing opportunity.

Statkraft的培训生项目是进入可再生能源世界的一个独特切入点. During your time as a trainee, 你将面对能源领域最严峻的挑战, collaborate with some of the smartest minds in the 行业, 他提供世界级的发展和学习机会,并成为来自世界各地的雄心勃勃的年轻人才的独家网络的一部分. Have we caught your attention yet?

Woman looking up smiling

We're curious to meet you

If you are curious about the future of renewable energy, 将在明年夏天完成你的学位,并对绿色能源转型充满热情-十大靠谱网赌想听到你的声音!

今年,十大靠谱网赌将在包括金融在内的各个业务领域提供培训生职位, 策略, 工程, information technology, trading or in our corporate staff area. 浏览一下十大靠谱网赌的空缺职位,然后申请最符合你经验或最能激发你兴趣的职位.

Our four-step application process

Meet some of our trainees

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